Hey guys, happy monday. It`s the beginning of a new week and for me it's starting off really lazy. Am just home trying to do some blogging and watch all my favorite nigerian movies. Well reason being because I got no lectures today, so I am just home chilling. Anyone noticed a change of hair? yeah I am addicted to doing protective hair styles...
Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing good? Well I am fully aware I have been gone for two weeks now but here I am again. Things are not really going according to my plans and my attempts in putting things to place is failing. But it'll all be fine and a girl needs to stay happy and fabulous, isn't it?I really do not...
Hey loves, how's everyone doing? Well this past week's been awesome and I just can't thank God enough for the blessings he keeps showering on me. It's amazing how beautiful things comes in the middle of what seems like disaster. I can't thank God enough for the amazing school collegues that's helped me through this far academically. I mean without them knocking on...
Hey Loves :) This past week was cray, I got some influensa virus and the fever that bestowed on me was out of this world (like literally). I got sick on monday evening so I couldn't work on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I could have the written the rest ofthe week instead, right? But no I just wanted to write that out...
Hey guys, How`s the week going so far? My week is not going well I must say. It has been so stressful that headache has even turned the norm of the day. Incase you've missed a post, well I am doing my practical training here in Gothenburg. It`s been quite amazing to meet these patients and work on them but at the same...
Caption this! Hey guys, am sorry I couldn`t post on sunday as it's supposed to be. I went to Gothenburg on Sunday for Church and came back the same day. It was my friend`s birthday that same day and I had to go over to his place immediately I arrived back in Jönköping and celebrate with him that same day and it was very...