
Autumn fever


Hey guys, How`s the week going so far? My week is not going well I must say. It has been so stressful that headache has even turned the norm of the day. Incase you've missed a post, well I am doing my practical training here in Gothenburg. It`s been quite amazing to meet these patients and work on them but at the same time very very stressful. There is limited time and you are constantly chasing time. I work 8 hours and I start as early as 7, so I am mostly very exhausted. It's crazy but yeah that's the gist.

Well for some reason I am starting to wear more shirts now. I just love how smart you look in them and most time you don't need to accessorize much. A pair of black trousers are a must have in your wardrobe and with any shirt on it, you are good to go. My mum's got a lot of hats that I and my sisters don't mind stealing every now and then. She always warn us to stop taking her things, We promise and apologize not to anymore but then we still end up doing the same thing over and over again. I think she's given up now.

Yay it`s my birthday week, turn down for what? I am not sure why this one feels super exciting but ah whatever. I will probably not be celebrating that day but that weekend, we definitely cooking up something. 
It's been just some days but am missing my little Jönköping but I guess am stuck in this big Gothenburg a little while. 
Oh I forgot to say when my birthday is. Well, it's this friday 26th incase anyone wants to send me my presents, lol.
Alright guys, 'til next week then, if no improptu post creeps in though. Take care and have a lovely week.
Outfit Details:
Shirt: H&M
Trousers: BikBok
Shoes: Skopunkten
Hat: LightInTheBox
Vest: Present
Clutch: Vintage store
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  1. Gorgeous! You look great! Love ur jacket.

  2. You look amazing and "smart" lol. I was actually looking for a furry kind of vest, but usually they're too furry, but yours looks just right. I wish you had a link for the vest. The hat looks great too. Hopefully the rest of your week goes well. justaise.blogspot.com

  3. You look rad! Excited about your bday being this week, turn up turn up turn up! Lol, I love the look, I'm such a sucker for a good hat. Fall/winter wardrobe goals :)

  4. Looking good hun. Love it
    A little late but happy birthday dear

  5. Perfecto, love the look.



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