
Green sweater styled


Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing good? Well I am fully aware I have been gone for two weeks now but here I am again. Things are not really going according to my plans and my attempts in putting things to place is failing. But it'll all be fine and a girl needs to stay happy and fabulous, isn't it?

I really do not feel like giving any updates about life right now, Not really feeling like am looking. So I'll just keep this post short and simple. This is an outfit I wore to church as I know some of you would have already noticed from the setting (used so many times). I went sweater shopping last week at H&M and I really just wanted to get all the sweaters in the store. Somehow, I managed to stay to student friendly budget. I got like 7 sweaters and all will surely be featured on the blog soon. 
Outfit Details
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
White top: H&M
Trousers: H&M
Sweater: H&M
Jacket: Monde
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  1. You've got your septum pierced? Nothing ever goes according to plan for most people... I am one of them, but over time things get better and that's all you have to keep in mind. You look great and the shoes are gorgeous.



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