
Thrifted blazer- Out of the woods


Hey guys, happy monday. It`s the beginning of a new week and for me it's starting off really lazy. Am just home trying to do some blogging and watch all my favorite nigerian movies. Well reason being because I got no lectures today, so I am just home chilling. 
Anyone noticed a change of hair? yeah I am addicted to doing protective hair styles instead of wearing my natural hair out in this horrible cold. I don't actually like this hair I am having right now, it looks weird. I would actually prefer my own hair but I can't risk frozen head. Anyways, I am thinking of ordering some hair extensions from Aliexpress but am still a little sceptical. If anyone knows any good hair vendor on aliexpress, please leave a comment below.

Okay so I'm wearing a jacket my bestie got for me as a gift. I really like this jacket, it takes the cold and it's really something I would want to but won't . And I'm wearing this skirt and flowery top I got during summer from BikBok. They were both on sales and I didn't even hesitate before I bought it. Also my old Louis Vuitton bag that's been hiding in one corner of my wardrobe makes the look complete.

We dare not forget this beautiful golden blazer that was actually thrifted. This was an amazing bargain, and really when you go thriftshopping you find things you would normally not find at the mainstream shops and at great prices. So why not thriftshop? Well for me, I could have worn anything crappy but with this blazer being part of the outfit, everything is saved.

Outfit details

Top: BikBok
skirt: BikBok
shoes: DinSkor
Bag: Louis Vuitton
Jacket: Thrifted

Alright guys, have an amazing week ahead and make the week as productive as possible. 
Be good!
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