
New hair- Braids, intense week.


Hey Loves :) This past week was cray, I got some influensa virus and the fever that bestowed on me was out of this world (like literally). I got sick on monday evening so I couldn't work on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I could have the written the rest ofthe week instead, right? But no I just wanted to write that out so you know exactly
the many long days I stayed home sleeping and sipping some hot bitter tea. I am much better now, I resumed work today and I still have my coughing moments but that, we can deal with.

So as you probably understand that last week`s post just had to wait unless ya all want to see some sick face all over here. Immediately, I got better I forced my mum to braid my hair as big as possible. These are the biggest braids I have ever had and I love it. It didn't take long to get them done and it won't be taking ages to take them out either. It's soon exams period and the last thing I want to Think about is my hair so am really glad my afro/weaves are relaxing a little now. I used colour 33 and colour 1 of the Expression braiding hair incase anyone was wondering.

Did anyone noticed my black Winter jacket is back. Oh yes! I had to go dig it out and adjust what needed to be adjusted because I need this baby to survive this intense cold and stay fashionable. Everything in this outfit has been featured on the blog Before so there really is no need to state them. They are all from BikBok except from the bag and shoes. The earring I got as a birthday present from my favoritas and oh talking about my birthday, that's for Another post (hopefully). Alright, you have an Amazing week and I'll see you in my next post.
Be good!
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  1. ur hair is lovely, love d way u styled it :) thnk God u r better now... :)

  2. Influenza? That sucks. SO glad you're feeling better! Lovin' the new braids and your autumn/winter style. That hooded scarf is everything to me. Peace and love xx

  3. It's good that you're better. Getting sick is the worst. Btw you look fabulous. Those braids are everything especially the color, it's perfect for fall. And I love your scarf. justaise.blogspot.com

  4. This whole is put together so so well. Absolutely gorgeous!


  5. Your outfit looks great, I hate being sick especially cos of taking medicine lol

    New post on blog www.icelaw.me

    1. Thank you ;) The medicine part is no fun at all.

  6. I love your jacket and scarf!I am currently down with the flu too!

  7. Loving the Jacket! Perfect for Vancity weather!

  8. Love your scarf, glad your back in good health.


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