Quick update


Quick update people. Massive apologies for bad update peeps, my laptop is still not back so it`s so difficult to blog. It`s so freaking annoying but I hope I get it back soon. Anyhow today on my way out to town to meet my best girls, I saw this huge crowd of people surrounding brunnsparken, a place in Gothenburg. Long story cut short, it was an accident, a buss had left its main track to another direction causing chaos and More, I don`t know.

Back to normal life now, lol. I was out with the girls, we had fun and we branched at H&m, they had some good stuffs and we just kept changing into different outfits and then we heard through the speaker that they were going to close soon. So we packed all the clothes we were buying and we went to pay. All bought at pretty affordable price. So new things in and aM super happy.

Lastly, I got keek now people. Seriously, it`s really fun and everyone is just crazy over there. You guys should go download it on your phone from appstore, playstore, bananastore or whatever, lol and follow please for randoM videos
Username on keek : maggiepegg.
Thanks guys for always checking by. Love you all.

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  1. Nice pics love...beautiful as usual!!!

  2. Hahaha the pictures are too cute, seems you had a good time. LOve your braids!xx

  3. The pictures are fun, we can see that you had a good day. The dress are awesome !
    Kisses from France, Jane.



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