Wazzzzap people


Back from church and feeling so tired. Made a video and yeah guess what`s it about...wait for..wait for it... hahha it`s a nigerian tag video. Basically it`s just a video about us being Nigerian and you answer a "couple" of questions. This was what I wore to church. Less/no makeup today and just felt like wanting my face to breathe a little today, hahha :) Anyways thank to everyone that checks my blog and a kiss to ya. 
Loves- Maggie.P

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  1. Cutie!! That blazer is fab! You look good with or without makeup. I understand how you feel. I have those days too.

    Where's the video? I'm patiently waiting. :)

    1. Hahhah thank you Seun :) The video is up soon :)<3 <3

  2. Marget! :D följer din blogg nu hehe :)

  3. Lovely blazer! Love the look. I read your last post and I ςªŋ totally relate to not being able to have friends because they've already grouped themselves and won't let a newbie in. I'm glad things worked out and is still going well with you.


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