
Never ever letting you go


Hey blogville :) it`s been ages I know. I know you all missed me and so have I. Took out the braids people so now am rocking this hair made by me and  gosh I missed my braids but I love this new one as well. This hair is so cheap people, if I tell you the price, you won`t believe. 
Anyways, thank God it`s been sunny for couple of days now. God has finally heard our prayers over here in Scandinavia. 
So to updates; I got a job that pays well for the tiMe being. I am getting blessed all the time and God is taking His time to mould me to the person of His heart. I am graduating high school in a month and broken relationships I have had with some people are been restored. I have not quit blogging guys, just taking time off for myself. Sorry sorry but I know you all understand. Love you all to the fullest.
OBS: If you live around Gothenburg and you need good cheap hair. Send an eMail and I`ll link you up.
Loves: Maggie.Pegg
Dress: Present froM a beautiful soMeone.

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  1. I love your hair, it's great on you :)
    Kisses from France. Jane.

    new on my blog : onmyshoulders.blogspot.fr

  2. Your beauty cannot be denied!! that hair is giving me everything gurl!!

  3. Lovely hair,i missed my braids for a while too..Nice shoes too!

  4. you hair looks lovely and congrats on your new job!! btw you and your sis look so alike!!



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